Remembering The Heroes - People visit the National September 11 Memorial Museum on October 12, 2017 in New York City, USA. ... [+] The first National 9/11 Memorial Museum opened to the public on May 21, 2014, and uses a variety of media exhibits and artifacts to tell the story of 9/11.

Many of my articles discuss the teachings of famous leaders throughout history. However, given the right circumstances, we can all lead exceptionally well. The events of September 11 revealed the power of the hero. In the face of tragedy, selfless men and women have made extraordinary efforts to help others. Their actions represent the best of humanity and continue to inspire us.

Remembering The Heroes

Remembering The Heroes

When the Twin Towers went up in flames, New York City emergency workers risked their lives to save lives. Police and firefighters bravely entered the fire house. Others served by coordinating rescue operations and maintaining order in the midst of chaos. On 9/11, 343 firefighters and 60 police officers (NYPD and Port Authority) made the ultimate sacrifice.

Remembering Fallen Heroes And Their Families

South tower floor for trapped rescuers. Outside the North Tower, Division Chief Peter Gansey coordinated the evacuation effort. NYPD Trooper Ramon Suarez took a taxi to the World Trade Center after hearing about the attack. He ran inside to help the men escape. Their stories are glimpses into heroic deeds.

Ordinary people have also shown great leadership and courage against terrorism. Wells Crowther, a 24-year-old merchant, returned to the top floor of the south tower and led the others to safety. In the air, the passengers of Flight 93 fought with those who met them. As their flight headed for Washington, Todd Beamer turned to his fellow passengers and said, "Let's go." They entered the post and foiled the terrorists' plans to do more.

First responders worked around the clock and rescued about a dozen people from the wreckage. Across from Ground Zero, the Church of St. The miraculously preserved Paul opened his door to these weary men and women. Other nearby buildings became rest and aid stations for emergency workers and victims.

Ground Zero was covered in 1.8 million tons of rubble, and the site burned until December. In the months that followed, thousands of workers descended on Lower Manhattan to help with the cleanup. They were joined by an army of volunteers, including actor Steve Buscemi, a former firefighter who spent days helping his FDNY brothers rescue and recover.

Remembering Our Heroes

Unfortunately, the toxic chemicals released from the tower's collapse later caused health problems for many first responders. The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act seeks to provide relief to those suffering from the long-term effects of exposure. Zadroga was an NYPD officer under the rubble of Ground Zero for weeks.

People all over the world opened their hearts. Blood banks and charity organizations are overflowing with donors. In Madison, Wisconsin, it took almost a day to donate blood. Hundreds of American delegations came to New York and Washington. About 7,000 passengers whose flights turned around were in Gander, Canada. Gander's Hospitality inspired the recent Broadway hit, Come From Away.

In the three weeks since the attack, aid organizations have raised more than $600 million for victims, first responders and their families. Many companies have combined contributions from their employees and customers. Individuals and governments in more than 100 countries also contributed.

Remembering The Heroes

Volunteers also gave their time in New York and Washington. Doctors and nurses provided medical services. Chaplains and counselors provided spiritual and emotional comfort. Artists and musicians organized concerts and benefits. Each group did their part to help the healing process begin.

Memorial Day Remembering Our Heroes America Svg Png Digital File

Nearly two decades later, America and the world have changed a lot, but the events of 9/11 are still with us. Even in those terrible days, the incredible strength of these incredible men and women was evident. In every selfless act, in every good deed, we can protect the memory of the heroes. This Memorial Day, families across the country are enjoying backyard barbecues, pool parties, picnics, or weekend getaways. For some, Memorial Day is the start of summer, and students everywhere welcome it as a sign that another school year is coming to an end.

And the true meaning of Memorial Day is to remember and honor the military men and women who have sacrificed for our country and our freedom. Named National Decoration Day for the tradition of placing flowers or flags on the graves of fallen soldiers, the Memorial Day dates back to the American Civil War.

Today, you and your family can really celebrate the occasion by celebrating the anniversary, as there are many ways to enjoy the day with each other. Consider one of these ways to pay your respects on Memorial Day:

Many Memorial® cemeteries and funeral homes hold Memorial Day ceremonies to honor fallen soldiers. These events often contain sad and poignant expressions of patriotism, focusing on the sacrifices of war. These community events are free to the public and are a great way to start your vacation.

Remembering The Heroes Friends Of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Collector Plate

Many cemeteries have veterans sections where many servicemen and women are buried. On Memorial Day, consider placing flowers or an American flag on the grave of one of these American heroes. If you have school-aged children, you can involve them in learning about what the soldier's life was like or the battles he saw.

While Memorial Day is all about remembering the service men and women who have passed, it can also be an opportunity to say thank you for the service of veterans who are still with us. Consider volunteering with your local veterans' organization on Memorial Day to honor our nation's military, past and present.

Likewise, use the spirit of Memorial Day to write cards or letters to men or women who are currently serving. This can be a fun activity to do with your family anniversary plans, by giving everyone involved construction paper, markers, stickers, etc. to make cards before the wine is made or placed inside. a lake. Or ask guests to bring something to contribute to a veteran's service package. You can find resources online for transferring cards and care packages.

Remembering The Heroes

While Memorial Day remembers our fallen heroes, it is also an opportunity to remember the lives of significant others we have lost. As your family commemorates this anniversary, take a few minutes to share memories of the loved one you lost.

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This Memorial Day, bring the holiday's true meaning to your family celebration by remembering the sacrifices of our heroes. As you enjoy good food, friends, family, and the start of summer, take a few quiet moments to reflect and be thankful for the life you have made sustainable.

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